Maintain your metabolism, increase your stamina and avoid aches and pains

scale sports

Maintain your metabolism, increase your stamina and avoid aches and pains.

scale sports

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At Scale Sports, our mission is to help you stay fit and active by avoiding the niggly aches and pains that can occur when you workout. We are developing a number of products to help with

- muscle cramp

- stamina and energy

- workout aches and pains

- recovery

Our launch product is highlighted below. Please sign up for our newsletter for helpful hints and tips on training effectively - whatever activity or sport you enjoy. We want you to enjoy staying fit and healthy without injury, muscle soreness or pain.


Customer reviews
Customer reviews
"I took the Pre-Workout supplement before my long run and it made a huge difference to my stamina. What a great product!"
— Mel W
Customer reviews
I tried the capsules to see if they would help me avoid knee cramp. I can honestly say it was the first time in ages that my knee felt fine.
— Paul J
Customer reviews
Taking the Pre-Workout supplement regularly has really helped me avoid the swimming niggles that I used to get. I don't get any cramp pain at all now.
— Tom L


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